A Call to Action: Advancing Tennessee’s Juvenile Justice System to Strengthen Families, Communities, and Oversight
About the Report:
What would it look like if Tennessee’s juvenile justice system prioritized strengthening families, connecting youth to their home communities, and creating safe environments that promote healing, growth, and being held accountable for one’s actions? Instead, Tennessee’s youth continue to suffer, primarily Black youth with disabilities. Disability Rights Tennessee (DRT) and Youth Law Center (YLC) remain concerned about the safety of youth in Tennessee’s juvenile justice facilities like Wilder Youth Development Center. The A Call to Action: Advancing Tennessee’s Juvenile Justice System to Strengthen Families, Communities, and Oversight report offers research-based action steps to overhaul Tennessee’s juvenile justice system. This third report builds on Disability Rights Tennessee and the Youth Law Center’s first two reports, Designed to Fail and Families Not Facilities, to offer solutions related to Tennessee’s juvenile justice system, which is overseen by the Department of Children’s Services.
Read the Full Report: A Call to Action: Advancing Tennessee’s Juvenile Justice System to Strengthen Families, Communities, and Oversight
Read the Executive Summary: A Call to Action: Advancing Tennessee’s Juvenile Justice System to Strengthen Families, Communities, and Oversight
Read the Press Release: New Report is an Urgent Call to Action for Improving Tennessee’s Juvenile Justice System
For more information, contact:
Lee Sherwood at Disability Rights Tennessee, email: LeeS@DisabilityRightsTN.org; cell/text 409-771-0098
Jasmine Miller at Youth Law Center, email: JMiller@YLC.org; cell/text: 615.480.7992
WPLN – New report is a call to action to improve Tennessee’s juvenile justice system
Commercial Appeal – After reports of problems in TN juvenile justice facilities, new report outlines solutions
Links to Previous Reports