About Disability Rights

Protecting the rights of Tennesseans with disabilities

Disability Rights Tennessee (DRT) was founded as E.A.C.H. in 1978. Most recently the agency was known as Disability Law & Advocacy Center of Tennessee.

Today, DRT is Tennessee’s Protection & Advocacy Network and has served—at no cost—more than 50,000 clients with disabilities. Our mission is to protect the rights of Tennesseans with disabilities.

DRT provides legal advocacy services to people with disabilities across the state with numerous issues, including employment discrimination, safety in schools, abuse and neglect, and access to community resources and services.


DRT is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, primarily funded by the Administration for Community  Living, the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, and the Social Security Administration.

Copies of DRT’s most recently filed audited financial statements can be found on our GivingMatters profile.  Find them HERE.

Grievance Policy

Disability rights Tennessee (DRT) is required by federal law to establish a grievance procedure for individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services, family members of such individuals, or representatives of such individuals or family members to assure that DRT is operating in compliance with the Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act. 42 U.S.C. § 10805(a)(9). Information about DRT’s grievance procedures and access to DRT’s grievance forms can be found in Frequently Asked Questions section of the website.

DRT Wants to Hear From You

Each year Disability Rights Tennessee (DRT) seeks the input from the Tennessee disability community and its allies on services provided to children and adults living in state-run facilities and supported in the community to ensure they fulfill our mission and purpose of DRT’s Children & Youth and Adult Legal Advocacy Programs.

This survey is currently closed. However, DRT welcomes feedback at any time through Feedback@DisabilityRightsTN.org

DRT is supported through federal and state grants to provide critical services to Tennesseans with disabilities. To maximize the impact of available funding, DRT uses your direct feedback to guide their services and programming options.

Open Positions

Data and System Solutions Analyst