Disability Employment Awareness Luncheon (DEAL) 2022

January 25, 2022

En Español

In 2021, Disability Rights Tennessee celebrated Disability Employment Awareness Month by sharing resources, tools, and webinars for both employers and employees.

We took our main event – Disability Employment Awareness Luncheon (DEAL) – virtual for the first time ever. This allowed us to reach more attendees than ever and to record our event. Now you can watch DEAL 2021’s amazing speakers, including Ernie Dianastasis and Dr. Aerial Ellis, on demand any time.

We also hosted two free webinars. Maximize Your Workforce allowed employers to learn how other businesses in Tennessee are creating more inclusive workplaces, from hiring processes to creating inclusive cultures. The second webinar shared about two of DRT’s employment programs, our Client Assistance Program (CAP) and Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS). Both webinars are free and available for viewing any time. 

We hope you’ll explore our DEAL recordings and all our employment resources!

Watch Employment Events on Demand

DEAL 2022

DRT is excited to host DEAL 2022 in October! Be the first to hear about our plans for 2022 by signing up for our newsletter. Join Newsletter. In the mean time read about how you can be a part of DEAL 2022. Learn more about DEAL 2022.
