Developmental Disabilities
Helpful Links
- Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities – Offers policy trainings and grants for attending workshops and meetings for adults with disabilities and their families.
- Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities – A university center for developmental disability, which provides clinical services including diagnostic evaluations, therapy and socialization groups, genetic counseling and nutrition consultations and referral recommendations.
- Vanderbilt Kennedy Center – Provides training for service providers, a diverse library of resources online, and maintains the Tennessee Disability Pathfinder.
- The Arc Tennessee – Provides information and referral, technical assistance, individual advocacy, and training services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families.
- Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) – Provides Family Support, Case Management Services, and Home and Community-based Waiver Services.
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder – Statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources and multilingual helpline.