The Disability Rights Tennessee (DRT) family is saddened by the tragedy at Antioch High School. We want extend our heartfelt support and offer resources to anyone in need. You are not in this alone, reach out to loved ones or use resources here for help.
- DRT Client Story: Sarah – When Sarah sought mental health treatment the facility would not allow her service animal Hugo to accompany her. However, without Hugo’s support, Sarah was not able to fully participate in her treatment at the facility.
- Client Story: Greg – For the majority of his life Greg Burt has been a protector, both in his military service and as a firefighter and emergency medical technician for the City of Murfreesboro. When Greg learned that he was experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), he found great support from a service animal.
- Client Story: Eric – Eric, a second-grade student, rarely lasted longer than an hour in his classroom before having anxiety and going to the school’s behavior lab. Eric needed better supports in school.
- PAIMI flyer – Information about the PAIMI project (Document coming soon)
- The 2018 Data Book – The 2018 Data Book displays behavioral health indicators for Tennessee compared to the U.S. for the most recent five years available.
- 2019 NDRN Statement in Response to Executive Action to Reduce Gun Violence – “While we share President Obama’s desire to reduce gun violence, the National Disability Rights Network believes that some of his executive actions violate the rights of people with psychiatric disabilities.” NDRN responds to the Executive action to reduce gun violence.
- Psychotropic Medications & Children/Youth – A flier from the Psychotropic Quality Improvement Collaborative with information and resources.
- A 6-Step Process to Understanding Psychotropic Medications Before you Agree to Take Them – A flier from the Psychotropic Quality Improvement Collaborative with self-advocacy information about understanding psychotropic medications.
Helpful Links
- Tennessee Department of Mental Health Crisis Intervention and Information Line – A 24/7 phone line open to anyone who needs mental health crisis services. They may be reached by phone at 1-855-CRISIS1 (855-274-7471) or Text “TN” to 741-741.
- Mental Health America of the Mid-South – A non-profit organization that connects the community with specialized mental health and wellness resources.
- Tennessee Mental Health Consumers’ Association – Offers Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®), Peer Counseling Training, Building Recovery & Individual Dreams & Goals through Education & Support (BRIDGES) Teacher and Facilitator Training, Regional Advocacy Program, Housing and Peer Delivered Medicaid Services.
- Mental Health Association of East Tennessee – Offers free mental health screenings, individual client assistance accessing mental health care or medications, information and referrals, and public education and advocacy.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Tennessee – Tennessee’s NAMI chapter provides grassroots self-help through mutual support, education and advocacy.
- Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Peer Recovery Services– Investigates complaints, offers peer support, educates stakeholders, and provides service referrals.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – National advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
- NAMI Mental Health Awareness Fact Sheets and Infographics – Several infographics sharing data about mental health in the US can be viewed here.
- Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services – Oversight of state provided substance abuse and mental health services, and regional mental health institutes.
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder – A statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources including care and counseling services and treatment facilities.
- The Child Mind Institute – Works to transform mental health care for children through clinical services, education, and advocacy.
Resource Links
- Abuse & Neglect
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Client Assistance Program (CAP)
- Community Living
- Conservatorship & Guardianship
- Developmental Disabilities
- Disability Rights
- Education
- Effective Communication
- Emergency Planning
- Employment
- Family Law
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Law Enforcement & Disability
- Long-Term Services & Supports
- Mental Health
- Public Health
- Self-Advocacy
- Service Animals
- Social Security
- Supported Decision Making (SDM)
- Transition
- Transportation
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Veterans
- Voting