Helpful Links
- The Tennessee Disability Coalition – an alliance of organizations and individuals joined to promote the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Services include: education and training for the public and service providers about public policy, voting accessibility, employment options, and services for individuals with disabilities.
- The Arc of Tennessee – provides information and referral, technical assistance, individual advocacy, and training services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families.
- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) – National advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
- Partners in Policymaking– a free leadership and advocacy training program for adults with disabilities and family members of persons with disabilities.
- Southeast Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center – One of ten regional ADA & I T Centers funded by NIDRR to provide training , technical assistance, and materials on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accessible information technology (IT), and the rights and abilities of people with disabilities.
- The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Information Line – The Department of Justice’s toll-free ADA Information Line, which provides information and materials to the public about the requirements of the ADA. 800-514-0301 (voice)
1-833-610-1264 (TTY)
- The United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division – works to uphold and enforce the civil and constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly some of the most vulnerable members of our society including individuals with disabilities. You can file discrimination complaints through this department.
- The Tennessee Human Rights Commission – investigates allegations of discrimination in housing, employment, Title VI and places of public accommodations because of your race, color, gender, disability, national origin, religion, creed, familial status or age (40 and over) then you may file a complaint of discrimination within 180 days of the incident.
- Dignity of Risk: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about the basic human right to make your own decisions, to take risks, to live a life you choose.
- Your Services Should Be All About You: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about how services for people with disabilities should be person centered.
- Presuming Competence: Video – This video from The Council on Quality and Leadership discusses presuming competence of people with disabilities, which competence means believing people are capable and that they do understand you even if they don’t outwardly show you that they do.
- The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 – The Department of Justice’s toll-free ADA Information Line, which provides information and materials to the public about the requirements of the ADA.
- “ADA Basic Building Blocks” – an introductory webcourse on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) that is designed to help increase your knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and core concepts in the ADA and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA).
- Tennessee General Assembly – The Tennessee state legislature’s website where you can look up information about state policies and contact your legislator.
- National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) – works to improve the lives of people with disabilities by guarding against abuse; advocating for basic rights; and ensuring accountability in health care, education, employment, housing, transportation, and within the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder – a statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources local and national advocacy and law organizations.