Helpful Links
- DRT Client Story: Ms. Guadalupe – Both public and private ground transportation providers must meet ADA requirements related to equipment, accessibility, information and more. Ms. Guadalupe was struggling to get to her day program, because the van sent for her wasn’t meeting her in a safe area.
- DRT Client Story: Gary – Gary couldn’t pump his own gas at his local station, because of his physical disability. After asking for help many times he finally made a complaint to the business.
- DRT Client Story: Ryan – Ryan couldn’t eat at his favorite restaurant, because it didn’t have accessible parking. However, under the ADA, businesses are required to have accessible parking for people with mobility disabilities
- MATAplus – Information about Memphis Area Transit Authority’s services for people with disabilities.
- Jackson Transit Authority – Information about Jackson Area Transit Authority’s services for people with disabilities.
- WeGo Access – Transportation services for people with disabilities in the Nashville area.
- ETHRA Public Transit – Transportation services in the Knoxville area.
- CARTA – Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority– Transportation services in the Chattanooga area.
- Apply for a Disabled Person License Plate/Placard/Decal – To apply for a disability plate, placard or decal you need to contact the Tennessee Department of Revenue.
- TN Department of Transportation – Information about road closures and more.
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder – A statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources.
- 2-1-1 – Tennessee’s community services help line. You may reach them by dialing 211 from any phone.
Resource Links
- Abuse & Neglect
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Client Assistance Program (CAP)
- Community Living
- Conservatorship & Guardianship
- Developmental Disabilities
- Disability Rights
- Education
- Effective Communication
- Emergency Planning
- Employment
- Family Law
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Law Enforcement & Disability
- Long-Term Services & Supports
- Mental Health
- Public Health
- Self-Advocacy
- Service Animals
- Social Security
- Supported Decision Making (SDM)
- Transition
- Transportation
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Veterans
- Voting