- Pathways to 4th Grade – Breakdown of the state’s updated third grade retention and promotion law expectations.
- Grade Three Promotion – Appeals Process Overview – During the 112th General Assembly, the Tennessee General Assembly passed a law which updated the state’s third grade retention and promotion law to ensure students who need additional supports can receive them before promotion to fourth grade. This document provides guidance for appealing TCAP scores.
- Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Supports and Services for Children with Disabilities – This article explores how the use of appropriate supports and services in schools can disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.
- Know Your Rights: Education Rights During COVID-19 Distance Learning – Guidance for navigating your child’s education rights while distance learning.
- Conoce Tus Derechos: Derechos A La Educación Durante El Aprendizaje A Distancia Del Covid-19
- Modifying an IEP or 504 for Distance or Hybrid Learning – An Article from the Childmind insitute about how to help kids get essential school supports.
- Mask Up for Students with Disabilities – A review of the benefits for students with disabilities when there is universal masking in schools.
- Accommodating Students with Disabilities Who Cannot Wear Masks – Information about how to request a reasonable accommodation in school for students who cannot wear masks.
- DRT Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Flyer – An overview of Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) including tips for parents.
- Supported Decision Making for Parents & Educators – Information on assisting students in decision making supports. English and Spanish.
- Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program – IEA program overview from the TN Department of Education.
- Service Dogs in Schools: Achieving Systemic Change One County at a Time -Article summarizing the laws about service animals in school settings.
- Strengthening the Foundation: Accommodations in Post-Secondary Education – Article with self-advocacy tips for getting accommodations in post-secondary education
- Bullying Information – Information and resources gathered by Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth about bullying.
- Success in School – An article sharing Erika and Madeline Reyes’ special education self-advocacy tips.
- Start of School Tips and Tricks – An article sharing an experienced education advocate’s secrets to success in a new school year.
- Don’t Delay: Addressing Discipline Issues with Students with Mental Health – Article with information on addressing the needs of students with mental health issues who are being disciplined for behaviors manifesting from their disability.
- Assistive Technology in the Classroom – Article outlining the use of assistive technology at school.
- School Resource Officers…Crossing the Line? – News Channel 3 speaks with Gina Brady, DRT Director of Advocacy in Memphis, and other special education advocates about the roles of resource officers in schools.
- Want to keep school vouchers out of Tennessee? You’re already too late – While Tennessee’s legislature was engulfed in a contentious debate over whether to create a school voucher system, the state actually already had a voucher law in place that could impact even more students than under the bill being discussed. DRT attorney Sherry Wilds talks about the impact of this legislation with Grace Tatter.
- DRT Client Story: The Marshall Family – Ryan Marshall navigated the challenges of special education and community inclusion with his parents’ advocacy.
- DRT Client Story: Eric – Eric, a second-grade student, rarely lasted longer than an hour in his classroom before having to go to the behavior lab. Eric needed better supports in school.
- DRT Client Story: The Cranfields – Wyatt was not receiving adequate instruction time and the school did not address his disability related behaviors appropriately. Wyatt’s family worked to change his school experience and policies that effected children across the district.
- DRT Client Story: Brayden and Luke – Brayden needed his diabetic service animal Luke in school with him to be safe. However, the school didn’t immediately understand their legal obligations to allow service animals in the classroom.
- DRT Client Story: Ivy – When Ivy was four years old, her family was told she couldn’t go to a school for deaf people, even though she is hard of hearing. However, The ADA and other laws make sure children with disabilities can also go to school and learn.
- DRT Client Story: Kevin – Kevin needed medical care while at daycare, but the daycare was originally hesitant to provide him the support he needed.
Helpful Links
- Support and Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP) – a statewide family-to-family program providing free information, advocacy training, and support services to parents of children eligible to receive special education services.
- Best for All Central – The TN Department of Education has developed Best for All Central, a website designed to be a one-stop-shop for all your academic needs. Currently, Best for All Central includes access to video lessons, teacher and leader professional development resources around remote learning, professional learning community guides, family resources, and more.
- Secondary Family Tip Sheet: Back to School for Students with Disabilities After COVID-19 Closure – The TN Department of Education provides guidance for secondary students returning to school. Available in Spanish.
- Elementary Family Tip Sheet: Back to School for Students with Disabilities After COVID-19 Closure – The TN Department of Education provides guidance for elementary students returning to school. Available in Spanish.
- Wrightslaw – A website for parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys providing information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder – A statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources local and national advocacy and law organizations.
- Tennessee Department of Education: Special Education – Information about special education services in Tennessee.
- Exceptional Parent Magazine – A magazine for parent of children with disabilities.
- DOJ Guidance on Test Accommodation and Documentation of Disability– This publication provides technical assistance on testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities who take standardized exams and other high-stakes tests.
- The TN Department of Education: Special Education Evaluation & Eligibility
- A COMPARISON of ADA, IDEA, and Section 504 – Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund’s comparison of three laws protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. Please note, Tennessee law may provide more protections than those listed in this document.
- Individualized Education Account Program – Information from the TN Department of Education about the IEA program.