The Tennessee Center for Decision-Making Support is a NEW RESOURCE that can help you learn about decision-making options for people with disabilities – all in one place! You’ll find easy-to-understand information about supported decision-making, power-of-attorney, conservatorship, ABLE accounts, special needs trusts, and more.
- The TN Center for Decision-Making Support – a bilingual introduction to the TN Center for Decision-Making Support.
- Conservatorship Handbook – Handbook developed by The Arc Tennessee to give an overview of the process of setting up a Conservatorship.
- Supported Decision-Making (SDM) – The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities has created a clearinghouse of information on SDM and Tennessee.
- Dignity of Risk: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about the basic human right to make your own decisions, to take risks, to live a life you choose.
- Your Services Should Be All About You: Video – The Council on Quality and Leadership’s video about how services for people with disabilities should be person centered.
- Presuming Competence: Video – This video from The Council on Quality and Leadership discusses presuming competence of people with disabilities, which competence means believing people are capable and that they do understand you even if they don’t outwardly show you that they do.
Helpful Links
- The Tennessee-Center-for-Decision-Making-Support – Resources, tools and information about decision-making options for people with disabilities.
- Private attorney referral services:
- Nashville Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service – Contact with this service puts you in touch with a pre-screened lawyer with whom you may schedule a half-hour appointment for a small fee (instead of the lawyer’s normal hourly fee).
- Knoxville Bar Association Lawyer Referral & Information Service – Contact with this service puts you in touch with a pre-screened lawyer with whom you may schedule a half-hour appointment for a small fee (instead of the lawyer’s normal hourly fee).
- Knoxville Bar Association Legal Resource Guide – A comprehensive list of legal resources available in the Knoxville area.
- Chattanooga Lawyers Information Provider Service – Contact with this service puts you in touch with a pre-screened lawyer with whom you may schedule a half-hour appointment for a small fee (instead of the lawyer’s normal hourly fee).
- Memphis Bar Association – Contact with this service puts you in touch with a list of the lawyers who are members of the Memphis Bar Association.
- Local Legal Aid Offices:
- Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberlands – A private, non-profit organization that provides free legal services to people with low income.
- West Tennessee Legal Services – A non-profit organization that provides assistance in civil cases to individuals, families, and communities
- Legal Aid of East Tennessee – Provides civil legal services ranging from information and advice to complex litigation and appellate advocacy to low income persons, seniors, and victims of domestic violence.
- Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services – A statewide nonprofit organization delivering civil legal help to vulnerable Tennesseans.
- Memphis Area Legal Services, Inc. – Provides free legal assistance in civil matters to low income and elderly persons.
- Community Legal Services – Offers lower income individuals and families in the Memphis area an affordable way to get legal assistance.
Resource Links
- Abuse & Neglect
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Client Assistance Program (CAP)
- Community Living
- Conservatorship & Guardianship
- Developmental Disabilities
- Disability Rights
- Education
- Effective Communication
- Emergency Planning
- Employment
- Family Law
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Law Enforcement & Disability
- Long-Term Services & Supports
- Mental Health
- Public Health
- Self-Advocacy
- Service Animals
- Social Security
- Supported Decision Making (SDM)
- Transition
- Transportation
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Veterans
- Voting